Sunday, June 12, 2005

Memories Revisited

Disclaimer : Do not be mislead by the previous post. The author of this blog is not hot or anywhere near good-looking. Just because some MwDSP with bad taste stared at him doesnt mean he's OK in the looks department. In fact, he's an ugly mofo. He's broke every month coz he spends his cash on changing his mirror every single day. It always crack when he looks at himself in the mirror.


Just got back from Ipoh.

Traffic was terrible. Kinta City was terrible. The weather was terrible. Crowd was terrible. In fact, I dont remember what wasnt...

The only reason I went back was to attend my friend's wedding. We were friends since Primary school (Standard 1). We even share the same birthday. Well dood, you probably wont be reading this but, I wish you good luck and have a happy married life. You'll need it. *lololol* (in other words, he got his passport revoked, visa denied and now needs to apply a temporary pass everytime he wants to go out with the rest of the blokes)

My 2nd reason to go back was to meet up with her. I knew she was going back. If she wasnt, I'd would still have my lazy ass in the bed or in front of the computer instead of goin back to Ipoh for the wedding. (meh..what kind of friend I am huh?) Anyway on Saturday night, we meet up at a new mamak stall just behind Y2K (for non-Ipoh plp, Y2K's probably the most happening place in Ipoh. But the sad fact is that it's only the size of 2 shops...). Anyway, we chatted for hours there. It made me miss those times we had together. We meet up again on Sunday morning, supposedly for breakfast...but well...a slight change of plans when she came over to my house.

Anyway, meeting up with her made me think of lot. I drove back home with my thoughts and heart flooded with uncertainty and emotions.

Confused at the choices both of us made.

Regrets of the paths we took.

Her question to me, "Why did I stop her from changing job and going to another state" keep ringing and replaying in my head. What does she meant by that? Was I supposed to stop her from going away? Could I have stopped her from pursuing her career and instead selfishly ask her to stay just because of me? No, that's not the question. I think the more appropriate question to ask myself is...

Would I have the heart ask her to stay?

..... (this is when I stopped typing and re-read the blog, ponder, search my feelings and continue typing again 30mins later)

Writing this entry just gave me the answer.


Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Face Off (MwDSP) -edited

I hate it when people stare at me. Ok lar, I admit I don't mind hot chicks staring or perhaps it was me being slightly perasan/ delusional that they might be looking at me but the actual fact is that they might just be looking at someone else who happens to be standing behind me. But before I go off topic let's go back to the subject of having unwanted stares. Ok... I said I hate it when people stare. More so when they continue on staring even when you make it pretty obvious that you know they're staring.

What can be worst then that you'd ask?

Well, for my case it's probably me being a guy,... and being stared by another guy. I had to endure this ordeal when I went to FF-Menara Axis last night.

In a men's locker room somore!!! When all I had on was a towel somore!!!


What the hell? Omg...that's so disgusting. Mahai, leave me alone man (and I literally meant men). I got nothing against MwDSP (Men-With-Different-Sexual-Preference.I’ll refrain from calling them gay as some thinks it's a offensive term), but if you wanna stare don't make it so fucking obvious and don't stare at someone who’s just standing 5 feet from you.

Looking down at my crotch somore!! Like trying to see past my towel somore!!

My feeble attempt to block his gaze with my bottle of shampoo was futile.

There's a lot more MwDSP (Men-With-Different-Sexual-Preference) in Malaysia then I thought. Some wont bother you (like those in FF-Subang, actually you wont even know they're MwDSP unless someone tells you. And their usually the better looking ones and quite popular among the gals). But I tell you ar, some dont use their MwDSP radar b4 they stare kok at you...EEWWWW

I've never been so...visually-violated? (I feel so disgusted I cant think of a better word. Does this word even exist? Ms.Word seem to think so). Anyway, now I know how girls feel when guys stare at them.

It's like they're visually peeling off your clothes...


Wednesday, June 01, 2005

sshhh, they might be reading this...

I've been discovered.

No not that way. I meant my blog. I've a feeling that 2 of my IRL friends knows about this site. I’ve lost my place to write honestly about my feelings and thoughts. Would I risk our friendship if I were to write some ill-feelings eventho I will probably forget about it the next day? Would they accept the fact that its only a minor thing that people like me would end up bitching about in their weblog? No matter what short falls and misdoing that my friends have, I value their friendship too much to risk it.

In the end, this blog will end up like a sub-standard blog that I need to filter and edit in case one day I have a need to write something that doesn't sound in favor towards them or people that they know.

What's a blog when you cant vent your frustration here?

I need to find out whether they know about this site. If they do, they're probably reading this too. -_- "

Oh foolish me...

In the end, I cant be too sure. What can I expect when I have my msn nick as "NamelessOne"? I googled up the keyword "NamelessOne + blogspot" and my blog site was the first on the result list. I wonder if they can be that curious till that extent to google up my blogsite? Even thru my friendster link I have blog buddies in there who posted their blogsite and by looking thru the comments that I so foolishly left in their post, anyone can come to my blogsite. She-who-forced-me-to-eat-wasabi kept pestering me for the past week to reveal my blog to her. I've should just lied to her when she asked me if I have a blog. I've should have acted dumb and replied, "Wad’s a blog? Can eat want ar?"

Bah, so much for the effort to remain as an anonymous blogger.

So in the end, I'm left with 2 options:

1.) To abandon this blog and start a new one. –or-

2.) Screw it and continue on. I mean this is MY web log anyway right?

If one day you are unable to access this’ll know which option I took...