Oh God. Just as I saved my rant in that piece of junk that Friendster called blog, Blogger has finally decided to be nice and let me login. How sweet. I’ll just copy paste it here to create an imaginary feeling that I’ve got lots of stuff to rant about then.=====================================================
Just as I was getting used to writing the year "06", it has already turn 2007.
One moment you're counting down to the
2006, the next moment you're having a déjà vu when you're looking up at the fireworks and wonder why it looks so familiar to those the ones you saw LAST YEAR and then finally realize it's now
2007. It's a repetitive cycle.
Sometimes I feel like a lab rat running the tread mill. It's a new year, you make resolutions, you tell everyone about it, and then by the 1st quarter of the year, you completely
forgotten about achieving it till the end of the year whereby you feel sorry for yourself and tell yourself
"Well, I'll just include it in next year's resolution".No more.
No more New Year resolutions.
I'm throwing out the whole New Year resolution thingy out of the window. Things that
should've been done WILL be done irregardless of what the current year is. I'm not gonna give myself the false comfort that I've the rest of the year to complete my goals.
A lot could happen in the next 365 days.
Work might catch up. The world might change. Your perspective might change. You even might have a
SEX CHANGE!!. Truth to be told, nobody knows if they'll live to see the end of the year.
It's now!! Seize the day!! Speak out what’s in your heart to whoever you want!! Do what you hearts desire!! Pursue those dreams that you've dreamt 5 years ago!!
Like what a friend told me 5 mins before the cloak hits 12,
"No resolution for me, I'm just gonna take whatever life throws at me and face it like I've always have".
Awesome stuff. A much better reply then the one the chick on my left said
"I'm gonna find a rich boyfriend or one who owns a Lois Vutton boutique".(Jess if you read this, I'm just joking. We all know that you said that just to entertain us).
Counting down in Curve is such a bitch. Driving to Curve in the jam is such a bitch. Finding a parking in Curve is also such a bitch.
But you know what the worst thing is? There's only 1 source of alcohol in the entire place. So
God forbids if
Laundry Bar is full and you can’t get a place, you'll just have to settle for a
sober countdown with
Coz once you're in Curve, you aint getting out till its 3am. Good thing my friend found a table for all of us. God bless him. Too bad no one but me was in the mood to drink. I was given false hope when I was pouring a drink for this chick, she asked me
“Are you gonna drink with me?”, but was utterly disappointed when she backoff halfway. Bah, I ended up carrying the rest of the bottle home.
But I digress, one thing good about Curve tho, lots of candy-eyes. Hell, I've even saw
Erin Tan. Turns out that she is my friend's ex-neighbor. Should have went up and said
"Hi!! I stalk read your blog" when they were wishing each other Happy New Year. But I was too shy.
Dammit, can someone explain to me what da fuck happened to my "Seize the day"?!?!